Graveyard Of Angels
(Mascot Records)
There are two things about this album that may catch the listener by surprise: the band’s name, GORY BLISTER, and the poor classification some Metal Archives user gave them. If anything, GORY BLISTER play modern Death Metal with old school leanings, rather than technical Death Metal, which is what the aforesaid person claimed they play. That, and the name GORY BLISTER is more suited to a poor Goregrind band name than anything else, though this poor choice of nomenclature is purely the band’s fault. “Graveyard Of Angels” could be a much better record if the rapid-fire harmonic licks were cut out completely, and the guitars continued with their old school eeriness all the way through. Upon further listening, its easy to see why one may confuse GORY BLISTER with the technical genre, but to studied ears, they are, at their core, a regular Death Metal band; albeit with a little extra decoration. www.goryblister.com, www.myspace.com/goryblister
Nathan Shapiro
• GORY BLISTER - Skymorphosis (Thomas Ehrmann )