Hauch Wird Sturm / Trollnacht
(Lupus Lounge)
This is a very interesting (and strictly limited to 1.000 hand numbered copies) appetizer for two upcoming albums on Lupus Lounge Records. Two German bands, HELRUNAR and NACHTMAHR, both definitely deeply rooted in the Black Metal genre, totally raw yet very matured sounding and in a way also a little avantgarde! HELRUNAR is featured with the song ‘Hauch Wird Sturm’ (playing time: 6:30min) and offer us very grim Black Metal vocals, lyrics written partly in German and partly in Norwegian and some surprising, yet very beautiful and skillfully performed acoustic guitar sections as well as the unavoidable BATHORY type, clean epic choir vocals. NACHTMAHR on the other hand should be familiar to some of you already as they used to share another very cool split release with SUN OF THE SLEEPLESS previously. Their contribution ‘Trollnacht’ (playing time: 5:14min) also basically offers us Black Metal the old school way, but all of a sudden manage to surprise with very heroic sounding, clean vocals. If the bands material on their albums is also of this quality (great production on the two tracks as well here!), you should definitely make sure to get ’em at all cost! This split CD single features exclusive material, not to be found on the albums ("Frostnacht" and "Trollzauber") and comes in a nicely designed b&w cover, which has the size of a vinyl 7"! Extremely cool packaging for two extremely cool bands! www.lupuslounge.com
Frank Stöver
• HELRUNAR - Baldr Ok Iss (Thomas Ehrmann )
• HELRUNAR - Frostnacht (Frank Stöver )
• NACHTMAHR - Split CD (Nhashi)