Baldr Ok Iss
(Lupus Lounge)
It’s a huge pity that I have missed HELRUNAR when they played live here in my surroundings together with BEHEMOTH about 2 weeks ago, as I’d be interested how this threepiece comes along live. Anyhow, it took me quite a long time to start writing this review, not that I think that this album isn’t good, by no means, but I guess it just felt quite hard to write the right words about it. To point it out: this record is great. It begins with the atmospheric intro ‘Dickichtgott’ starting with acoustic guitars, clean vocals and military drums, directly followed by the intense ‘Loka Lögsaga’, a song fast a furious in the wellknown Scandinavian way of Black Metal. To make it clear, this song is as great as an opener (well, a follower of the intro…) can be, but even more intense is the next song ‘Schwarzer Frost’ with its amazing riff and harsh vocals added with a great chorus and once more fast drums totally fitting to their Scandinavian brand of Black Metal. Don’t wonder, many would call HELRUNAR a Pagan Metal band and probably they are exactly that, but in my eyes it’s Black Metal, raw and cold what these 3 Germans offer. Next one is called ‘Baldr’ and for the first time the tempo slowed down a bit and that suits them good as well and offers a necessary variety on this CD, but 3:30 minutes later we are again back to listen to a blasting drum rhythm. Well, I could go on commenting each song, but I think that’s not really necessary as we have here 8 songs (plus in- and outro), which are nothing else than no fillers – just killers. The in- and outro as well as the short acoustic interlude called ‘Winter’ offers some moments of rest which is more than important to completely enjoy the other grim cold Black Metal songs here. I need to add that this 2nd album of HELRUNAR offers besides the great songs a great sound and shows a band that is aware of their musical intentions. This is high quality Black Metal the way all fans of Black Metal will adore. It goes as a normal CD as well as a deluxe edition digipak including CD and a DVD. All I can say is that HELRUNAR did a fantastic job with their 2nd CD and I’m sure we will hear even more great tunes from them in the future. Don’t ask me why did it take me so long to write this review? Probably I was just blown away… A breath that becomes a storm as the illusion fades away and the misty world awakens… Take a look at www.lupuslounge.com.
Thomas Ehrmann
• HELRUNAR - Grátr (Nathan Shapiro)
• HELRUNAR - Frostnacht (Frank Stöver )