The Roots Of Trash
(Mausoleum Records)
You might first glance this album, and think it reads, “The Roots Of Thrash”. You might then think, “Gee, that’s way too ambitious for such a young looking band. Who do they think they are?” You would be partially correct to ask these questions. The title is “The Roots Of Trash”, and the band was formed in 1996, meaning they are neither young, nor as pretentious as they may seem. Yet, you may still ask why the hell they’re playing directly into the styrofoam packaged Thrash revival. Looking ever so much like an EVILDEAD clone, HYADES try to focus on hard-hitting melody like the way METALLICA or FORBIDDEN would have done some twenty-plus years ago. The truth is, no modern band has pulled it off yet because they all produce their albums digitally. It all sounds like a packet of dry-as-the-desert saltine crackers. There’s something so lapdog-like about stuff like this. It’s one thing to love and respect your forebears. It’s quite another to worship them to the point of cheap imitation-something a little brother does, and it’s not cute, its annoying.,
Nathan Shapiro