Verbum Vexillifer
Formed from the ashes of Death Metal act STORMRIDER, the first output from NECROPHOR could fit perfectly in the early 90s decade. Their similarities with the traditional acts like BATHORY, early IMMORTAL and maybe HELLHAMMER strive upon their slow to mid-tempo approach. This is no blast beat happy, hyper fast Black Metal. They actually manage to mix in some of their Death Metal influences, well heard in their production, which stands right between the cold, thin Black Metal atmosphere and the thick, heavy Death Metal wall of sound. Taking in count that "Verbum Vexillifer" was recorded at Sunlight Studios, with Tomas Skogsberg behind the controls, NECROPHOR’s sound is clear, creepy but full of bottom end. And that is a really nice combination. Even though they are not inventing a new style, the mix of both, Black and Death Metal, plus some doomish parts add lots of variation. They play with such conviction that all 3 songs off the demo come out with an aggressive attitude, despise the fact that they never go full speed. There are also some melodic Death Metal nuances here and there, à la Gothenburg, including some clean sections. All these influences make up a 15 minute demo which, in my humble opinion, leaves you wanting for more. NECROPHOR knows how to give a new approach to an classic style. Definitively a band to look out for in the future. Contact them here: www.facebook.com/necrophor
Alfonso Perez
• NECROPHOR - The Eye Of Terror (Thomas Meyer)