Grand Tidal Rave
(Temple Of Darkness Records)
Swedish REV 16:8 – don’t ask me what this name stands for (probably revelation 16, 8… a part in the Bible – Frank) – offer us their debut album "Grand Tidal Rave" released through Spanish Temple Of Darkness Records. Fans of DARK FUNERAL needs to watch out for this group and this release as the 10 songs (and intro ‘Placid In Pale’) offer Black Metal in the tradition of the Swedish Black Metal during the mid-nineties. Mostly DARK FUNERAL come to my mind, but for sure you can also find hints of MARDUK, SETHERIAL, a little DISSECTION and well, countless others. Basically I have to admit, that what REV 16:8 offers is heard many times before, though what they offer is high quality Black Metal, both in sound- and songwritingquality. I had huge fun listening to their fast and cold Black Metal tunes and as everything here is presented with highest professionalism, dark and cold. I have nothing left to say then that everyone into the above mentioned bands is doing nothing wrong in supporting this cool release called "Grand Tibal Rave". For more info check out www.templeofdarknessrecords.com and www.myspace.com/rev168.
Thomas Ehrmann