Into Everlasting Hate
(Base Record Production / Hecatombe Records)
Spain’s SCENT OF DEATH have been around since 1998 with three full lengths. So, a little slow in producing new albums… 7 years after the first release and 11 years after the second. But that’s ok. The band members have been busy with other bands in between all that. All we as fans ask is that when a new album does finally appear, that it’s solid and satisfying, and that’s what we have with “Into Everlasting Hate”. A religious choir opens up the album along with some pouring rain and a menacing voice asking “Are you free of sin?” The chugging and technical guitars in ‘Sooner Or Later’ by Benardo Tesouro and Jorge Taboada are mixed with Sergio Afonso’s Corpsegrinder style guttural vocals. The drums are all over the fucking place in order to follow the guitars and bass. The track’s a damn good signal of what’s yet to come. ‘The Choice Of The Strong’ is another blaster of a track that still mimics CANNIBAL CORPSE, which isn’t a bad thing at all. It’s fury and animosity all through it, leading to ‘The Mute Idol’ that has a little NILE influenced guitars and drums. Also not a bad thing. The band’s confidence in their delivery keeps the album consistent and powerful from beginning to end. It’s evident in ‘Romans’ with its headbanging intensity, in ‘Solve Et Coagula’ in its epic riffs and instrumental segue to ‘Tortured Mind’, a pure brain-fucking scorcher of a track. ‘Among Them’ is more on the tech-death side as ‘Indoctrinated’ continues that leading into final track ‘Even The Angels Fall’ that rips and shreds its way to the end. Yes, “Into Everlasting Hate” is the bastard child of CANNIBAL CORPSE and NILE. But who fucking cares? The album’s a pure romp from beginning to end. No filler. You like letting your anger out with the ferocity of a charging rhino? Then check this album out. If you’re not impressed, I sincerely question your Metal integrity. For more SCENT OF DEATH information, check out www.facebook.com/scentofdeathmetal, www.facebook.com/baserecordproduction, www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063571814325
David Simonton
• SCENT OF DEATH - Of Martyrs's Agony And Hate (Alfonso Perez)
• SCENT OF DEATH - Woven In The Book Of Hate (Frank Stöver)
• SCENT OF DEATH - Interview (László Dávid)