Burn In Metal
(Folter Records)

I have been a Metalhead for most of my life. I can find something in everything. Sometimes though, you hit a speed bump. Enter VIOLENTOR and their brand of no compromising Thrash / Speed Metal. If you take very early SODOM and maybe a bit of VON you will get a sense of what to expect. With VIOLENTOR and their songwriting style, there is just no variation no subtlety, it is all one big blur. Start song 1, or song 4 it is the same song. How about track 7 or 9? Once again, It’s the same song. The same shouted vocals, the same repetitive drums and only some very minor changes in the riffing. That is my main gripe, that it all does not change from song to song. There is some type of little Folk tune on track 6 that is completely out of place to offer some respite or variation. The band could work maybe as a Punk Thrash Grind type of thing but with this release, the songs are too long at four minutes and longer with some of the others. I tried to understand and accept this style and got to wondering is all their past material like this? For the most part yes, you only start to get some variation and interesting song structures, going back to their 2015 release “Maniacs”. I can’t say much to recommend this, but maybe shorten the songs and release an EP with 3-4 songs, give it more of a simple punch and not the relentless bland pummeling. Then maybe it may be more palatable for the wider audience. As I write this, I know there are and will be fans of this and I am just an old dude and don’t understand real Metal. Dive into this for yourselves and maybe give some of their earlier releases a spin first. More info at:,

Will “Bones” Lee

Will “Bones” Lee

Related reviews / interviews:
VIOLENTOR - Maniacs (Mirco Szymyslik)

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