October 10, 2002
Johan Lindstrand is back in THE CROWN as the new permanent singer. Hear what the man himself has to say about all this: "Alright planet earth!!!! This is Johan Lindstrand speaking! I’m very proud to say that I’m back in THE CROWN. This time with full fuckin’ force. My commitment and dedication is 110% and I am very excited about the future of the band. I have already rehearsed on a couple of new songs and they fuckin’ blew me away. Really awesome. It feels great to scream with the band again and I’m looking forward to see you on the road so what I wanna say is: THE CROWN HAS RETURNED!!!!!"
Swedish SKYFIRE just returned from Abyss Studio where they recorded the follow-up to their debut-album "Timeless Departure" with producer Tommy Tägtgren. The title of the new album is "Mind Revolution" and some of the song-titles are ‘Shapes Of Insanity’, ‘Dawn Will Break’, ‘The Clouds Lie Silent’ and ‘Euphoria’. Artwork will be done by Graal (www.g-r-a-a-l.com). According to bassplayer Jonas Sjögren we can expect a more diverse, better structured and even better sounding album.
Arctic Music Group has signed Swedish newecomers ETERNAL LIES. Their musical style is best described as a mixture of traditional Scandinavian Death Metal and the melodies and harmonies that redefined Swedish Metal in the late 1990s. The band was already voted best new band in Close-Up, one of Sweden’s biggest and most prestigious Metal magazines. Their debut album "Spiritual Deception" should already be out by the time you read this.
Following their debut album "Human Consumes Human", HOMO IRATUS are back with an EP entitled "Knowledge…Their Enemy". It contains 3 new tracks, a cover version of Sepultura’s ‘Roots Bloody Roots’, and 2 full-length videos. This is also the first HOMO IRATUS release with interim vocalist Thomas Bairachtaris, filling in for Mitch who decided to leave the band in February of 2001. The band is currently working on the second full-length album, which will be released by Arctic Music Group in 2003.
CELEBRATUM represents the new breed of Norwegian Black Metal, mixing Scandinavian Black Metal with Heavy Metal and prog-rock influences. The band’s debut album "Mirrored Revelation" was produced by Tommy Tätgren at Abyss Studios / Sweden and just got released by Artic Music Group. www.arcticmusicgroup.com