February 21, 2004
After another period of silence we figured it was about time to get some first hand, updated information from Rick Cortez of California’s SADISTIC INTENT about the current status of one of the best Death Metal bands around these days: "We have been rehearsing with our new guitar player! We tried out a few guys and we finally found some one who can play our music right. It looks like we should be doing our first show in March. The guys from San Francisco’s Morbosidad are having a record release party and they want us to do the show. They also got Chris Reifert’s (ex – Death / Autopsy) band called Abscess to do it as well. We are just waiting for them to confirm a venue. They wanted us to headline but we would rather open up for Abscess. First of all, our record is not out yet, and second, our new guitarist needs to learn more songs. We currently only have seven songs ready for the live situation. Back to the recording, we have not been in the studio for several months! Bernie just has not been available. I finally spoke with him recently though. I actually saw Bernie a few weeks ago at an Agent Steel / Helloween show in Hollywood. He apologized for not being around and let me know that we should be back at work this month. I told Bernie that I would like to finish the guitars and then figure out where we stand then. You see, we got a guitar tone that we’re pleased with so I want to definitely finish the guitars with him. However, I do not want to be put on hold for another year. I understand he has his own life and being busy and so on, but we need to finish this recording. I have nothing against Bernie, I really appreciate his help. I just want to get this recording done! I’ve had a few conversations with people who think that we’re in there recording all this time. That is not the case at all. Our new guitar player has a home studio so maybe we can finish it there. He already said he won’t charge us so that would be a positive thing because we don’t have much money. Dark Realm is alive but it’s not like we’re rich or anything. The money that’s made basically goes back into the shop to pay all the overhead costs. If we had the money, we could afford an available studio and we wouldn’t be taking so long with the recording. Even though we don’t have a proper budget, I don’t feel like rushing through the recording leaving mistakes and stuff. Someone I know said just to hurry up and get it done quick without worrying about it. I don’t want to take forever or anything, but at the same time I don’t want to leave things that are going to permanently bug me. It’s a challenge but so far we have not compromised and it’s the tightest Sadistic Intent recording yet! I can’t wait to finally have it done!!! Sometimes I feel like it’s never going to be done! At least the band as well as the shop is still alive. We literally lost thousands of dollars which also translated into lost time and then we lost our other guitar player! Things were looking pretty dismal but like I said earlier, at least we’re actually rehearsing again looking forward to some gigs! Regardless of any trends, Sadistic Intent is going to return and summon total dark unholy Death Metal!!!"