Cryptic Curse
(Les Acteurs De L'Ombre Productions)
French blackened Death Metallers ACOD have hit up the studio for a quick 3 song EP in follow-up to last year’s anticipated album “Fourth Reign Over Opacities And Beyond”. The band has been hammering out full lengths since 2009 and on the eve of the 15th anniversary of their debut we get this sample. This was a new band for me, decided to check them out on YouTube. Soon after this review lands in my lap, hell yeah I’m checking out this EP. Let’s jump right in. Kicking things off is the song ‘The Hourglass Slave’. The intro gives off some early era NILE. Right away you can tell the good clean production of this EP. The drums are excellent here very crisp and clean chops with a good mix of fills. The guitar riffs are very melodic, yet providing a good amount of Thrash. About 3/4 of the way there is some voice in the background that is saying something in French. ‘The Mask Of Fate’ slows things down a bit next while still keeping the heaviness. The possessed vocals fill the song with story telling and while also foreshadowing the pain. Things get really well on this song. Maybe it was because it was slower paced and stood out a bit more, but this was my top choice out of the three songs. The last track on here is the album’s title track, ‘Cryptic Curse’. I really like the guitar sequence close to the end of the song, its slow melody reminded me of the mid ’90s Black Metal era. The vocals here add another layer with the some of the echoes thrown in. This was a fun EP to check out. Good production, solid musicianship and good songwriting. Fans of DIMMU BORGIR, CRADLE OF FILTH and “Anthems…” era EMPEROR will want to check this band out. I don’t think you will be disappointed even if you are just a casual fan of the genre. The songs grasp the ear and allow the mind to picture what the band conjures. Cheers! More information at: www.facebook.com/acodband, www.facebook.com/ladloproductions
Jaime Pérez
• ACOD - Fourth Reign Over Opacities And Beyond (Wedekind Gisbertson)