Barbaric Tortures
(Ancient Darkness Productions)
Ancient Darkness Productions is a small Danish label and mailorder and mostly offers excellent material. So I was curious to hear the tunes of DEPARTED SOULS from the Netherlands, who were totally unknown to me so far. Formed in 2013, they have released a demo so far and now their first five-track EP called "Barbaric Tortures". Once again, another output that clearly shows, that old school Death Metal is as active again as in the early 90s or even more now and that the Dutch boys also know, how to play proper old school Death Metal. Their version is a bit more influenced by old school Death Metal from Sweden and really sounds killer. The musicians and their past bands are unknown to me, but the professionality of their tunes cleary shows, that these guys are really skilled musicians and no newcomers. The five tracks offer all, what the readers of our zine are longing for. Pure Death Metal with groovy and fine melodies, low-tuned guitars, sometimes very doomy, proper drumming and the typical Death Metal grunts. Bands like DISMEMBER and ENTOMBED are the godfathers of their style but also the early Dutch outfits like ASPHYX or PESTILENCE show up occasionally. Their music is so catchy and groovy, that you can spin the five tracks again and again and it is not getting boring at all. The opening track ‘Witch Trial’ is a killer and gives a good overview about their style. Really groovy Death Metal and one of the best newcomers I have heard in the last years. The production is clear and powerful and again another wrecking-ball. It was some months ago, that I was sitting in front of my pc and banged my head, but this groovy Death Metal monster made me do it again. Could be the next bigger thing, if a label like Century Media gets their attention and congratulations to Liam Golden for your excellent taste once again and for picking up this crushing monster. More info can be found on their facebook page: www.facebook.com/pages/departed-souls/199852183551629 or do not waste time and order your copy directly from www.ancientdarkness.dk
Michael Kujawska