Edict Of The Antichrist Elect
(Osmose Productions)
Have no fear. Gene Palubicki is here! The man who writes music beautifully similar to good old vintage MORBID ANGEL has returned. The excellent BLASPHEMIC CRUELTY and APOCALYPSE COMMAND are testaments to his greatness, aside from the legendary ANGELCORPSE. Add PERDITION TEMPLE to that unblemished resumé. Word around the satanic campfire is that this was to be ANGELCORPSE’s last aborted album. And this is verily an evil prowling abortion come to black fuckin’ life! Is this any good? Does a bear shit in the woods? Of course! Does a Norwegian Black Metal guy shit in the woods? Of course. This most magnificent piece of ultra-violent sick satanic motherfuckerism explodes unto you with the aptly titled ‘Genocide Evocation’ and does not fucking let up! As Bernard Doe once said: this is an orgy of frenzied rifferama! Gene takes over on vocals and does his throat ripping best, quite similar but not exactly like one Mr. Jeff Becerra. And the ultra fast attack drumming on display here is something to behold. Plus the guitars riffing and composition is just too fuckin’ astoundingly annihilating! Bass is nonexistent, but really who cares as everything else is just so fucking pummeling… Look, let’s not beat around the bush here ok? Why fuck around? This is the fuckin’ album of the year hands fuckin down and you can fuckin quote me! Get this, and enjoy! Death fuckin’ Metal at its most violent and slaughterific! I hate to hype things up but with PERDITION TEMPLE I cannot help it! Get this! Album of the year right here you fuckin maniax! 10 out of 10 aaaarrrrgh’s!! www.myspace.com/perditiontemple, www.osmoseproductions.com
Luis M. L. Sallard
• PERDITION TEMPLE - The Tempter's Victorious (Michael Kujawska)
• PERDITION TEMPLE - Interview (Frank Stöver)