Suppuration Morphogénésiaque
(Memento Mori)
The cover art of “Suppuration Morphogénésiaque” is pretty much the summation of what lies beneath. SEDIMENTUM is from Quebec City, the home of some phenomenal Metal over the years and SEDIMENTUM slay it like how you’d expect. Layer after layer of canorous heaviness, the album is a good juxtaposition of Death and Doom. The guitars take you deep into the caves of darkness, whilst the drumming stays true to the raw, brutal delivery of erstwhile Death Metal. At under 40 minutes, SEDIMENTUM manage to churn the filth inside out and twist it with a sense of dark melody. Sometimes the band sticks to absolute basics, track #2 ‘Excrétions Basaltiques’ is a great example, building slowly negotiating the dark patterns with ease it breaks into a sudden cacophony of chaos which is an absolute delight to listen to. Is this possibly one of the best slabs of the year? It possibly could be, the vocals are horrifying, the guitars are buried deep within the ground, the rhythm section is possibly one of the best in recent times. There isn’t an iota of instrument wankery on this record, this slab in entirety is a homage to the old school. Case in point is the title track, opening with a simple melody, the band breaks into a dense, atmospheric sonic delivery that is simply perfect. The deep vocals hover over the down tuned guitars and meander alongside. As the rhythm picks up the pace the vocals simply traverse in the distance never losing sight but always keeping up. The band makes it sound so effortless, but when you sit down to break apart these heavy waves of expression, you appreciate the little things, cymbal work for example. At some places it’s just exquisite and could easily get lost in the background but the true joy is in finding it and realizing how delicately it’s been put together as part of the song. This slab on the whole is highly recommend. If you like any Metal at all, give this a listen and if you like Death Metal in particular, you cannot miss this record. An absolutely heavy and engaging record from start to finish, this is sure to thrill all Metal fans. For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/sedimentumdeath, www.facebook.com/memento.mori.label
Vamsi Kanagovi