(Seed Of Doom Records)

Per Seed Of Doom Records, Canada’s West Coast chainsaw Death Metallers TOTAL ISOLATION and East Coast French Canadian sadists SEDIMENTUM have teamed up for a bone splintering teeth grinding Death Metal split release and well they’re right down to the bone. This two track split brings out the best of the bands. Track 1 is ‘Vomiting Pit Of Fog’, a surreal, atmospheric companion to dungeon dwellers. While sifting through the screechy leads culminating into a trench of lucious sludge, TOTAL ISOLATION brings their best game. Their tempo has picked up, the guitars wave into the cracks and simply bring the heaviness together. The wall of sound hitting your face is relentless and convincing! SEDIMENTUM on the other hand rely on the traditional yet effective all guns blazing Death Metal that we all love. They waste no time and get to the business of butchery right away. I hear a few notes like they’ve been played on a tin can but no bother, SEDIMENTUM makes it clear they’re here for sensual destruction and no less. The vocals dominate the attack and that’s good, the guitars mimic the course of lightning and branch out violently across open spaces. I would’ve loved to have another track by both the bands and it would’ve really raised this split to the next level. Nevertheless, moderation I suppose is the key but not when a couple of killer Death Metal bands are putting out their best tunes. Category: background for sharpening machetes! For more band information, please visit or Label contact:

Vamsi Kanagovi

Vamsi Kanagovi

Related reviews / interviews:
TOTAL ISOLATION - Winfield (Vamsi Kanagovi)
SEDIMENTUM - Suppuration Morphogénésiaque (Vamsi Kanagovi)

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