Macabre Festivities
(Iron Fist Productions)

Okay! We got ourselves quite a rager here. From the opening shout on ‘Macabre Festivities’ to the album closer ‘Sulfuric Might’ you are definitely in for a thrashing speed thrill ride. Much of the material is all fast and pummeling and sort of whizzes by you, but damn, that energy and enthusiasm just keep you rooted for the 30 minutes. So, if you take the off-hinge chaos of VENOM add touches of early KREATOR and with a heavy dose of NIFELHEIM, you get a good sense of the sonic assault you are about to undertake. There are some mid-paced tunes to keep your heart rate in check, such as ‘Dark Desires’ and ‘The Oak Tree’, but they offer a welcome change of pace. Yeah, you could say that MIDNIGHT and to an extent TOXIC HOLOCAUST (this is mastered by Joel Grind minds you) had an influence on SULFURIC, but the closest modern comparison I would say is WRAITH (Indiana, USA). The production is perfect loud and bright and fits this type of approach perfectly. So after all my ranting and words you probably have a good sense of what you are getting yourself into. Give yourself a good shot of audio adrenaline and check them out at,

Will “Bones” Lee

Will "Bones" Lee

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