Pora Umierać
(Godz Ov War Productions)
TRUCHŁO STRZYGI from Poland are only active for one year and now they already present their first full-length “Pora Umierać“ via Godz Ov War Productions. Starting pretty weird with a Polish love song the real deal gets announced a bit later. The first track ‘Apokaliptyczny Młot‘ starts pretty quick. Somehow I immediately started liking the stuff as it is a pretty punky and heavy version of Metal. Vocalist Gambit reminds me of Peter Steele between CARNIVORE and the first TYPE O NEGATIVE album while the music is also pretty similar to the early TYPE O NEGATIVE material but with a slight Death Metal painting. Honestly I did not expect that but maybe this is what made me liking this a lot as the material is far from being trendy or conventional and mixed with a pretty solid songwriting and proper skills of the involved guys. This horde really can convince! ‘Sadystyczny Masowy Mord‘ continues the direction but offers some really fine tunes with a slower middle-part and Hardcore-esque chorals like TYPE O used them. The guys sound like a Polish version of TYPE O mixed with some LIFE OF AGONY and some Death Metal but not in a negative way. It’s been a while since an album not related to Death or Black Metal caught my attention and brought me some nice moments and the guys from Raszyn managed to remind me of my early days in Metal when the mentioned bands but also PANTERA and BIOHAZARD were spinned a lot in my player and made me longing for more and harder stuff. As they are not trendy at all, especially while using their own language and are able to write really groovy stuff, old fans of the mentioned bands should give this album a try as it differs a lot from all the stuff we normally listen to. For more info, check the band via: www.godzovwar.com
Michael Kujawska