Fields Of Desolation
(Ván Records)
"TRUPPENSTURM, STRUPPENTURM – livin’ on the road…" And goddamn do these speakers explode when Panzer Division Suppenhuhn rocks the floor. Seriously, I’ve always had a soft spot for all this ‘War Metal’ stuff and this is definitely up there with the likes of REVENGE, VON and what-have-you. It simply doesn’t get any rawer or more primitive. They are basically hammering their way through piles of worthless human flesh in true stoicist fashion. The same riff, the same beat all the way through, fuck dynamics, fuck intensity, just keep grinding through the carnage ’til the cows come home. I actually found this to be pretty dull at first, but now I simply love it for its refreshing monotony and strict defiance of even the slightest sign of compromise or ‘entertainment’. All you need is this turned up to twenty, one – better two – bottles of the cheapest liquor available and a wall to rhythmically smash your head against. Cleansing!
Torsten Gründig
• TRUPPENSTURM - Approaching Conflict (Anders Peter Jørgensen)