Czornaja Cvil
(I Hate Records)
The fourth full-length from Belarus’ one-man band VIETAH continues Antarctis’ trend of lengthy, atmospheric songs. There’s the quiet. There’s the solitude. There’s the musings of our lives. There’s everything you’ve come to expect in a VIETAH offering. "Czornaja Cvil" bleeds melancholy. It begs for attention. It cries out alone in the foggy night. The opening track ‘Vosienskaja Glieba’ meanders and plods, absorbing the listener in a beautiful, yet bleak track of BURZUM – ish guitars, slow-driven drumming, anguished vocals and a little bit of keyboards peaking their way through the miasmic void. ‘Kol’ picks up the pace with quickened drumming, while still maintaining the steady rhythm and mesmerizing guitar work. ‘Adljustravanni U Czornaj Vadzie’ is a mid-tempo Black Metal delivery of excellent despairing vocals and guitar melodies. ‘Niezvarotnasc’ reminds me of a night exploring the mist-covered woods with no desire to return to civilization. It seems this style of atmospheric Black Metal is a dime a dozen. But when you have an instrumentalist as well-skilled as Antarctis, who understands timing, solid pacing and strong delivery, you have an album worthy of any of the top-rated Black Metal albums of our time. This limited vinyl edition (500 copies) of VIETAH’s 2015 album has just been released through I Hate Records. For more information, check out www.facebook.com/vietah.official, https://vietah.bandcamp.com, www.ihate.se
David Simonton

Czornaja Cvil
(Stygian Crypt Productions)
VIETAH is a one man band from Belarus. Antarctis is the sole member and composer behind it, and so far 4 albums have been released. "Czornaja Cvil" (roughly translated as "Black Mold") is his last output, released via Possession Productions and Stygian Crypt Productions and limited to 1000 copies. These 4 songs, clocking at almost 45 minutes, showcase an odd style of atmospheric Black Metal. And I dare say odd, because I was actually able to listen to the whole album without loosing my attention. I tend to wander away from this style due to bland, weak and excessively long compositions. Luckily, this is not the case with VIETAH. The grip here is the atmosphere. Dense, oppressive and full of evil. These songs mix a good array of melody and harmony with maniacal outbursts of typical Black Metal. "Czornaja Cvil" grips you right from the start with the gloomy intro and then guides you through a dim lit path into darkness. The production, with the usual trebly and haunting guitar tone, some eerie keyboard pads, the bass pushed back a little in the mix and the pounding drums, is set perfectly to Antarctis’ shrieks, which could use some variation to reflect the moods better, in my humble opinion. Other than that, VIETAH managed to create a solid release within the sub-genre. It should be wise to check his previous albums and support a band that deserves it. You will find more information about the band here: www.facebook.com/vietah.official. Contact their label here: www.stygiancrypt.com
Alfonso Perez
• VIETAH - Tajemstvy Noczy (Thomas Meyer)
• VIETAH - Zorny Maroz (Ricardo Campos)
• VIETAH - Tajemstvy Noczy (Mirco Szymyslik)
• VIETAH - Zorny Maroz (Matthias Auch )