Peste Negra, Muerte Negra
(Icarus Music / Gates Of Hell Records)

One of the coolest things about writing for a niche website like VFTD is the fact that there is no real need to write a detailed biography of the band you review, because most probably – those who read these lines already know what ANAL VOMIT is all about and, like yours truly, expect to get another dose of South American madness from this album. So what do we have here? A brief look at the cover artwork gives an impression that you are about to hear a generic "brutal Death Metal" album, and unfortunately – it’s partially true, mainly due to the horrible plastic drums sound. This is the first album featuring the band’s new drummer, and you can really hear that he used to play in one of those mechanical sounding "brutal Death Metal" bands in the past. These drums are really annoying as hell and they make the songs sound more complex than necessary and hard to digest, in a very bad way. After 4-5 listens, though, this album becomes easier to digest and I realized that when it comes to the riffs and the vocals – ANAL VOMIT still delivers, but a more organic sound would suit "Peste Negra, Muerte Negra" much more. After the band’s amazing debut album "Demoniac Flagellations", this band has not created an album that sounds equally fierce, and "Peste Negra, Muerte Negra" is not an exception. While not being a bad album, "Peste Negra, Muerte Negra" is not really a must have for anyone but die hard fans. More info at:,,

Sergei Pismeny

Sergei Pismeny

Related reviews / interviews:
ANAL VOMIT - Depravation (Ulrich Kreienbrink)

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