(Listenable Records)
From the outskirts of Warsaw, Poland hail another version of BEHEMOTH! However not nearly as proficient, blindingly fast nor as internationally acclaimed, called HATE. And even though this band has been around since 1990 you can and would not even know this had I not mentioned it, as the musicianship doesn’t warrant an accolade as this, and too as no utterance or influence from that era of Death and Grindcore can be heard here. HATE could have formed in 2006 and you’d never know the difference. Put atop that remark the now almost standard of Polish Death Metal with an over polished recording again akin to BEHEMOTH. Coupled with what appears to be the heinous use of drum triggers, and the ever popular under mic’d vocals and before the headman’s chopping block today are eight tracks of BEHEMOTH cast-off material fused with only a marginal amount of HATE’s own avidity. Why this band exists, is anyone’s guess?! Why they are signed, is another question that I would like to pose to Laurent of Listenable. He could do better, and has signed and worked with better acts in the past. C’mon Laurent… Raise your standards! Contact: www.hatesatanic.org or www.myspace.com/hatepoland or www.listenable.net
Wes Rhodes
• HATE - The Litanies Of Satan (Nathan Shapiro)
• HATE - Anaclasis - A Haunting Gospel Of Malice... (Stefan Franke)
• HATE - Awakening Of The Liar (Nathaniel Colas)
• HATE - Cain's Way (Edouard Vergriete)
• HATE - Holy Dead Trinity (Ramon Claassen)