The Suns Of Perdition, Chapter III: The Astral Drain

PANZERFAUST hail from the neighbouring city of Mississauga, Canada and they play rather delectable Black Metal. “The Suns Of Perdition, Chapter III: The Astral Drain” is the sixth full length of this band. Musically, this is phenomenal atmospheric Black Metal that skirts around the depths of Valhalla but doesn’t get lost along the way. The format of the album is one of my favourites, a good kick-ass song followed by an interlude. The first track ‘Death-Drive Projections’ is a ten and a half minute track which takes the listener places. The vocals pierced through the multilayer aural assault whilst the rhythm section just has a steady state delivery of madness. PANZERFAUST break no boundaries here, they don’t create a new world of magic, what they do is gently build up their atmosphere, taking advantage of the interludes to build their ritual over time. I don’t think I’ve associated the quality of ‘patience’ with any band, but PANZERFAUST are not only patient, they’re very structured. They take each step at a time slowly, but with caution and care. The resulting output speaks for itself. This isn’t for the all-out MAYHEM fan I suppose, this is perhaps for the DEATHSPELL OMEGA and BLUT AUS NORD fans who like their music taking them places. As fierce as their riffs and delivery are, PANZERFAUST construct their crown of darkness with patience and ease. This almost feels like a rebirth to me and the experience has to be experienced in full. Sit tight and listen to this entire slab at a go and I assure you, the reward is plenty in the end. One of the clear highlights of the album is the drummer! Absolutely incredible from start to finish. Recommended! For more info, please visit:,

Vamsi Kanagovi

Vamsi Kanagovi

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