A Glimpse... Beyond
(The Crawling Chaos Records)
Be aware of this dual attack from the true thrashing monsters of Chernobyl, even though PRIPJAT hails from Germany and HELL:ON from the shores of the Sea of Azov in the Ukraine, quite far away from Prypjat, the city near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Both bands are delivering thrashing Metal, and have joined forces to deliver this old school sounding album! PRIPJAT offers good and intense old school Thrash Metal, take the best from Europe and USA, toss it all around in a mixer, and you’ll get the aggressive and energetic Metal the guys are delivering. SODOM, KREATOR, SLAYER, TESTAMENT and EXODUS are haunting the 5 tracks, all good thrashing madness with a tad of Hardcore in the mix. HELL:ON is a tad more modern and groovy in their approach, chugging rhythms and riffing, some synth and samples to push the dark apocalyptic atmosphere, a tad Industrial Metal sounding here and there, that together with the vocals remind me a tad of good old French TREPONEM PAL, which compliments the music quite well. Two quite interesting bands this split is dealing with, all fans of old school Thrash with a speedy and Hardcore edge will be in joy of PRIPJAT and fans of a tad more modern oriented Thrash with a scoopful of Industrial Metal will bounce to HELL:ON. Enter here to get your twisted urges fulfilled: www.facebook.com/pripjatthrash, www.facebook.com/hellonofficial, www.thecrawlingchaos-records.de
Anders Peter Jørgensen
• HELL:ON - Once Upon A Chaos... (Julián "Obliteration" Núñez)
• HELL:ON - Age Of Oblivion (Luxi Lahtinen)