Hideous Entity
(Dark Descent Records)

HYPERDONTIA belong in a boxing ring with Mike Tyson! Well, considering their rhythm section maybe they’re better compared to Ip Man’s Wing Chun fist attack. Either ways, these lads know no rest. The first track ‘Snakes Of Innards’ is the perfect example, their rhythm section excites you as the guitars jump around the fretboard not in a frenzy but in a calculated attack. What a stellar opening! The band just goes from 0 to 10 in no time and churns those delicious riffs one by one relentlessly. The solos just pierce through your skull and randomly cuts through tissues and cells. HYPERDONTIA must be amazing live (I hope they are!), this material is prime live material with the hordes of fans going mental to their sound. I love it, the band gives it all, the vocals suit the atmosphere perfectly, they recite 18th century voodoo chants whilst the guitarists are walking down a path of absolute madness. The drummer keeps them all together with the strictest sense of time. Recommended! For more information, please visit: www.facebook.com/hyperdontia, www.facebook.com/darkdescentrecords

Vamsi Kanagovi

Vamsi Kanagovi

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HYPERDONTIA - A Vessel Forlorn (Mirco Szymyslik)
HYPERDONTIA - Nexus Of Teeth (Anders Peter Jørgensen)

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