Wrath Upon The Earth
(Agonia Records)
SVARTSYN is a band which I have come across numerous times via trade or 2nd hand shops. For some strange reason, I have never been urged to even check a song or two, now I got commissioned to do this review and it is with great pleasure that I must admit that I’ve been missing a great band! They are not way reinventing anything but this album definitely possesses every element that makes any extreme Metal album interesting and worth spending a penny for. Pretty consistent Black / Death Metal, haunting riffing, cavernous sick vocals (completely different to what Black Metal vocals usually sound nowadays) and brilliant drumming (great fills and rolls all over the place). I really don’t know how this album sits compared to the rest of the band discography but I can safely say that if you are a fan of blood chilling blackened Metal, fast and dirty this might turn out to be a wise purchase. I may take some time to grow on you but I’m really starting to dig it big time. Specially recommended for those into the old Swedish Black Metal! Contact www.agoniarecords.com for your copy. All further info at www.myspace.com/svartsynband,
Mario Cubero
• SVARTSYN - Black Testament (Luxi Lahtinen)
• SVARTSYN - Destruction Of Man (Stefan Franke)
• SVARTSYN - ...His Majesty (Thomas Georg)