Issue # 12 vs. CARNAGE Issue # 14
(120 pages, A4, printed, in German)
I don’t really see the sense in doing a split zine, to be quite honest… I mean, when the contents of the two participating zines is of the same nature anyway, and it was not just a one off thing, why not joining forces completely? Ok, in the case of two of Germany’s hardest working underground mags MYSTICAL MUSIC and CARNAGE you could at least say that their editors obviously have different opinions when it comes to the layout (Mr. Hauber for instance seems to enjoy old school borders quite a lot, which Mr. Timm avoids to use) and there’s also a difference in the status of the featured acts (the more known underground acts mostly end up in MYSTICAL MUSIC, while CARNAGE is digging a lot deeper to discover the obscure gems). Interviews / reviews are of the same quality in both zines though and they compliment each other very well, so a continuation of this particular co-operation (no matter how) is more than welcome to me. Especially if you see that that overall printing / layout quality gets better with each issue. This time they furthermore increased the number of pages once again and came up with insane 120 printed pages (!!!) – unbelievable! We already had the content of this issue in our news section a while ago, but those who didn’t get to read that, here it is again: AUTOPSY (a 4 pages Chris Reifert special), EXHORDER (7 pages), SUFFOCATION, EVOCATION, DEMONICAL, IRATE ARCHITECT, UNLEASHED, VOMITORY, MUNICIPAL WASTE, HATESPHERE, NECROTIC FLESH, THE ABSENCE, THIS ENDING, a massive 13 pages long MIKE BROWNING special (feat. MORBID ANGEL, INCUBUS, ACHERON and AFTER DEATH), DEFEATED SANITY, AFGRUND, ULCERATE, SUFFOCATED BASTARD, AGALLOCH (3 pages) and lots more. Too bad that it’s written in German, so a lot of our readers unfortunately won’t be able to enjoy its content as much as I do. The issue also includes a free compilation CD-R with 21 (partly unreleased) tracks from RIBSPREADER, PAGANIZER, MASSIVE ASSAULT, PURGATORY, AFTER DEATH, VENERAL DISEASE, HEADHUNTER D.C., KAAMOS, NECROTIC FLESH, DEFLORATION, IMPETUOUS RAGE, MENTAL HORROR, a DOOM METAL special and more. On sale for the ridiculous low price of 5,- Euro (ppd. in Germany, all others ask for postage prices first if you’re ordering) from MYSTICAL MUSIC Zine, c/o Ralf Hauber, Emerlandweg 11, 73529 Strassdorf, Germany, hauber666@gmx.de, www.mystical-music.de. Distributors are always welcome! You also may get your copy from CARNAGE’s Leif: blasphegor@compuserve.de, www.carnagedeathmetal.de
Frank Stöver
• MYSTICAL MUSIC - Issue # 11 vs. CARNAGE Issue # 13 (Frank Stöver)
• MYSTICAL MUSIC - Issue # 15 (Thomas Ehrmann)
• MYSTICAL MUSIC - Issue # 14 (Manolis A.)
• MYSTICAL MUSIC - Issue # 13 (Frank Stöver)
• MYSTICAL MUSIC - Issue # 10 (Frank Stöver)
• MYSTICAL MUSIC - Issue # 16 (Thomas Ehrmann)
• MYSTICAL MUSIC - Issue # 09 (Andi Bauer)