Issue # 10
(136 pages, A4, printed, in English)
This is it! This is without a doubt the ultimate edition of NECROMANIAC zine! Not only because it comes up with more pages than ever before (136 this time!!!), it also has the necessary visual aspects to make every old school Death Metal lunatic cry out in joy! Editor Thomas has grown a lot (!!) as an artist over the years and every sick little detail in this issue easily proves that. Just have a look at the fantastic new logo, which perfectly fits to the also amazing black and white coverart that he did all on his own as well. I’m really glad that those full colored (partly more modern looking) covers that Thomas created for issue # 3 – 8 seem to be history again, because in retrospect they never really fitted the content of this zine that well anyway. And speaking of content… even in that department it will be really difficult to come up with an issue in the future that will manage to live up to the number of killer acts that "Acts Of The Unreadable" has on offer. Almost every cool old school Death Metal act that is currently active in the underground (and that is worth a bigger mention) got a feature in here, so fasten your seatbelts, cause here’s the entire list of interviewed names, in chronological order: UNAUSSPRECHLICHEN KULTEN (7 pages!!), VASTUM, UNDERGANG (7 pages!!), NECROS CHRISTOS, STENCH, MORBUS CHRON, NECROVOROUS, WITCHRIST, COMMUNION, DEMONIC RAGE, DEAD CONGREGATION, MITOCHONDRION, INCANTATION, ORDER FROM CHAOS (!!), FUNEBRARUM, RITUAL NECROMANCY, ESCARNIUM, IMPOSER, SEPULCRAL, DISKORD, EXECRATION, COFFIN TEXTS, PURGATORY, INTO DARKNESS, CADAVERIC FUMES, NAR MATTARU, EMBALMED SOULS (6 pages!!), SLAUGHTERDAY, DISEMBOWELMENT, a CHILE DEATH METAL special with Felipe Kutzbach, SWARM OF TERROR, CTHONIC AURA, a label special on ME SACO UN OJO RECORDS, DIABOLICAL MESSIAH, an artist feature on PAOLO GIRARDI, GENOCIDE SHRINES, VORUM, MAVETH and WOUND. A free compilation CD-R (in a cool looking vinyl design) with 17 killer bands / tracks as well as the usual reviews on CDs, demos, zines etc. complete the almost perfect picture… Did I just say "almost"? Oh yeah, because I would also like to mention 3 little things that I personally would have done differently (nothing major, it’s just that I somehow had to come up with some points of criticism here as well in order to stop Thomas from becoming a bigheaded asshole after I’ve praised this issue so much). First of all, there’s the use of too many different font types (some of them partly difficult to read) throughout the entire issue, which seems to be a common "problem" with fanzines in general and which I would try to avoid in the future… Using the German word "Plattenkritiken" (for the review section) in an entirely English written zine also doesn’t really make sense… and page 3, with the introductional words from Thomas crimped to the upper edge, while a bigger part of the page was left empty, doesn’t live up to the high layout standard of the rest of the issue either. But hey, like I already said, the issue as a whole is so brilliant, that you shouldn’t hesitate for a second and order a copy right away. Good quality print zines unfortunately have become very rare these days, but NECROMANIAC (together with MYSTICAL MUSIC and COMPILATION OF DEATH) is still an essentional addition to your collection. It is available for 8,00 Euro + postage (1,45 Euro in Germany / 3,45 Euro for the rest of the world) from necromaniaczine@aol.com. All additional information you will most certainly find at www.facebook.com/necromaniac.zine
Frank Stöver
• NECROMANIAC - Subterranean Death Rising (Sined-Erriep Ohr)
• NECROMANIAC - Issue # 8 (Frank Stöver)
• NECROMANIAC - Issue # 7 (Frank Stöver)
• NECROMANIAC - Issue # 666 (Stefan Franke)
• NECROMANIAC - Issue # 5 (Frank Stöver)
• NECROMANIAC - Issue # 4 (Stefan Franke)
• NECROMANIAC - Issue # 3 (Frank Stöver)
• NECROMANIAC - Issue # 2 (Steven Willems)
• NECROMANIAC - Issue # 1 (Frank Stöver)
• NECROMANIAC - Issue # 9 (Ralf Hauber)