Murder Death Kill
(Xtreem Music)
Well I think that the “back to the old school Death Metal thing” has meanwhile grown somewhat trendy, because almost every month another mediocre so called old school Death Metal CD is released and besides highlights like BLOODBATH, KAAMOS there is also disappointing 08/15 stuff like BLOOD RED THRONE, the lame new GRAVE or FLESHCRAWL. Now PAGANIZER are up to the game and they are fortunately one of the positive examples. Songs like ‘Bleed Unto Me’, ‘Dead Souls’ or ‘Obsessed By Flesh’ resurrect the spirit of old GRAVE, EDGE OF SANITY in perfection and are certainly not a little bit original, but as long as a band offers great entertaining music I don’t give a fuck about its individuality and PAGANIZER are damn entertaining. “Murder Death Kill” is also blessed by a fantastic production (recorded by Mieszko Talarzcyk and mastered by Dan Swanö), which has even more Sunlight-feeling as the new BLOODBATH and in addition to that much more drive and punch – excellent! The only point of criticism I’d like to mention here is the rather weak artwork: old school Death needs old school art! Remember those great hand-painted covers of the early 90s and compare them with the computerized shit of today, it does not look bad, but it does not fit to the attitude and mood of the music. Ok, to sum it up, if you like the bands I mentioned above get this CD as fast as you can and you won’t be disappointed, that’s a fucking promise!!! For more information about PAGANIZER and some “appetizer-mp3’s” check out www.paganizer.com and taste the true spirit of death. Also their label’s website www.xtreemmusic.org is worth a surf, because it offers a huge portal to all kinds of brutal music not only their own shit, check it out!
Stefan Franke
• PAGANIZER - Massdeath Maniac (Kat "Shevil" Gillham)
• PAGANIZER - Where The Ancients Ones... Live (Thomas Meyer)
• PAGANIZER - The Tower Of The Morbid (Michael Kujawska)
• PAGANIZER - Paganizer / Heathenspawn (Thomas Meyer)
• PAGANIZER - Promoting Total Death (Julián "All Hope Is Dead" Núñez)
• PAGANIZER - Unglaube / Split Wide Open (Jeroni Sancho)
• PAGANIZER - Chapel Of Blood (Frank Stöver)
• PAGANIZER - 20 Years In A Terminal Grip (Thomas Meyer)
• PAGANIZER - Cadaver Casket (On A Gurney To Hell) (Thomas Meyer)
• PAGANIZER - Carnage Junkie (Matthias Auch)
• PAGANIZER - No Divine Rapture (Frank Stöver)
• PAGANIZER - Interview (Ralf Hauber)