The Deathkult
(Joe Black Records)
In case you haven’t recognized yet: REVEL IN FLESH are featured on no less than three split EPs in the past few weeks. Now the German premium Death Metal act have unleashed the third (and best) part of them three, which they share with the Swedish Death Metal hopefuls FERAL. The song REVEL IN FLESH present here is also the title track: ‘Deathkult’. This one is intended as a real tribute to all the classic stuff from the early 1990s, that defined what Metal of Death was, is and always will be. Musically, this one is, of corpse, deeply rooted in this glorious area of music, even a little more than we are used from the guys. But that’s by any means fine, since the song is a very great one, refined with great guitars and mastered, as usual, by Dan Swanö. The lyrics of ‘Deathkult’ are really tongue-in-cheek, because they are compiled from song and album titles from the area the songs renders it’s homage to. But as good as this one is, it’s the other side of the EP that really makes”The Deathkult” a must-have. It’s a fault I haven’t heard FERAL’s only album “Dragged To The Altar” (from 2011) before, for their song ‘As The Feast Begins’ is definitely a gem of Swedish Death Metal. It features anything I love about this music, from downtuned guitars with classic distortion over fine melodic elements to D-Beat drum parts. All this can be found here in one song, a classy composition with variation that made me bang my head. Oh, how I miss my hair… Up to now, this song is unreleased and was taken from a promo made for record companies only. So I wait for a great album to come very soon, hopefully. Until then, I listen to ‘As The Feast Begins’ over and over again. If you visit the Sweden Rock festival this year, catch FERAL there! And be sure to immediately get and join ”The Deathkult”. The 7” vinyl is limited to 500 copies, ennobled by fine Juanjo Castellano art and a great layout. Visit the company at: www.joeblackrecords.de. More REVEL IN FLESH at: www.facebook.com/pages/revel-in-flesh/304228902958414 or revelinflesh.jimdo.com. For FERAL, go to: www.facebook.com/feralswe or www.feral.se
Thomas Meyer
• REVEL IN FLESH - Delivering The Dead (Giorgio Trombino)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Relics Of The Deathkult (Michael Kujawska)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Emissary Of All Plagues (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Dragged Into The Obscure (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Eyeless Ghoulish Horror (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Death Campaign / The Ending In Fire (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Phlebotomy - Blood Dripping Healing /... (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Death Kult Legions (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Imperial Anthems No. 13 (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Corpus Obscuria (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Manifested Darkness (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Within The Morbid Ossuary (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Deathevokation (Hacker)
• FERAL - Flesh For Funerals Eternal (Jaime Pérez)
• FERAL - Forever Resonating In Blood (Spitzl)
• FERAL - From The Mortuary (Michael Kujawska)
• FERAL - Graverobber (Nathan Shapiro)
• FERAL - Where Dead Dreams Dwell (Mauricio "Rusty" Sanchez)
• FERAL - For Those Who Live In Darkness (Mauricio "Rusty" Sanchez)
• FERAL - Welcome To The Graveyard (Nathan Shapiro)
• FERAL - Welcome To The Graveyard (Michael Tak)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Interview (Thomas Meyer)