Within The Morbid Ossuary
(Cyclone Empire Records)
After their crushing debut album "Deathevocation" earlier this year, Germany’s new Death Metal sensation REVEL IN FLESH is back with a bang. On this vinyl 7", shared with Sweden’s horror junkies REVOLTING, Haubersson and Maggesson present us a new doomy thunderbolt entitled ‘Bonecrusher’. And I can’t understand why this great track was not included on their album. It would have been a definite highlight! Slow crunching riffing combined with Scandinavian harmonies and garnished with extreme grinding brutality and a feeling for the right time to put the foot down a little bit. Epic stuff and one of my fave songs this year for sure! If you need a reason to buy vinyl again, ‘Bonecrusher’ is a damn good reason. But we should not forget about REVEL IN FLESH’s partners in this crime. REVOLTING are also here to share new stuff. ‘Operation Razorteeth’ is one of their finest tracks as well. Love the mind blowing, very catchy harmonies who shape this song, making it a Death Metal hit. Just like this song for it’s straight power, too. To round this 7" off, they present us a short instrumental, which is not that important, but pretty fine for a song without vocals. Crowned by another great artwork from the hands of Juanjo Castellano, this 7" should be a must for everyone not only into European Death Metal, but into great music in common and finest Death Metal in particular. Be quick, since there are only 500 copies (300 on black vinyl, 200 on red). Check www.facebook.com/pages/revel-in-flesh/304228902958414 or www.metal-recycler.de. You might also visit the label-site: www.cyclone-empire.com.
Thomas Meyer
• REVEL IN FLESH - Delivering The Dead (Giorgio Trombino)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Relics Of The Deathkult (Michael Kujawska)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Emissary Of All Plagues (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Dragged Into The Obscure (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Eyeless Ghoulish Horror (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Death Campaign / The Ending In Fire (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Phlebotomy - Blood Dripping Healing /... (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Death Kult Legions (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - The Deathkult (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Imperial Anthems No. 13 (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Corpus Obscuria (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Manifested Darkness (Thomas Meyer)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Deathevokation (Hacker)
• REVOLTING - Monolith Of Madness (Michael Tak)
• REVOLTING - Visages Of The Unspeakable (Mauricio "Rusty" Sanchez)
• REVOLTING - The Terror Threshold (Alfonso Perez)
• REVOLTING - Hymns Of Ghastly Horror (Julián “Ravenous” Nuñez)
• REVOLTING - In Grisly Rapture (Alfonso Perez)
• REVOLTING - Dreadful Pleasures (Manolis A.)
• REVEL IN FLESH - Interview (Thomas Meyer)